Public Notices
- Latest New Update Provisional list of candidates shortlisted for document verification and Skill Test for various non-teaching posts, on the basis of performance in Written Test held on 24th and 25th January, 2025
- With reference to Recruitment Advertisement No. AIIA/Rectt/07/2023 dated 26.12.2023 published for inviting applications against various non-teaching positions at All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi and Goa campus, the Written Test for some of the positions are to be held at New Delhi
- With reference to Recruitment Advertisement No. AIIA/Rectt/06/2023 dated 26.12.2023 for inviting applications against various faculty positions for AIIA, New Delhi and Goa campuses, Screening Test and Interviews for the post of Assistant Professor of the following subjects (Dravyaguna,Kayachikitsa,Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana,Shalya Tantra,Shalakya Tantra) are to be held at New Delhi.
- Notice for Documents Verification/Interview dated 06.06.2024 conveying schedule of examination against Recruitment Advertisement No. AIIA/Rectt/01/2024 for various faculty positions at AIIA New Delhi and Goa campuses, the schedule is revised.
- With reference to Recruitment Advertisement No. AIIA/Rectt/01/2024 dated 24.06.2024 for inviting applications against various faculty positions at AIIA New Delhi and Goa campuses.
- With reference to Examination Notice of even number dated 26.07.2024 and corresponding corrigendum dated 01.08.2024 conveying the schedule of Written/Screening Test for the following posts, it is to inform that the Written/Screening Test and Interview has been postponed till further notification.
- Corrigendum on Examination/Interview Notice for Advt. No.AIIA/Rectt/07/2023
- Examination/Interview Notice for Advt. No.AIIA/Rectt/07/2023.
- Notice for inviting applications for the various faculty positions to be filled up on deputation/direct recruitment basis at AIIA, New Delhi and its Satellite Centre at AIIA, Goa - Advt. No. AIIA/Rectt/01/2024.
Candidate 's Corner
How to fill up application form for the above advertisement?
Link will be live on 02 July 2024 for Advt. No. AIIA/Rectt/01/2024
- Form are filled online through this portal before filling the form, please read carefully about eligibility criteria, examinations schedule and fee details
- If you are a registered user in this portal, then Login and look up the name of your post in the dashboard, then click the apply button and complete the form.
- If you are not a registered user and it's your first time in this portal, then Click to Create Account using email address and mobile number.
- Payment are paid online using Credit Card or Debit Card after the final submission of form.
- Please do not close the browser till you get an appropriate message (Payment Successful/Unsuccessful).
- In case of payment confirmation not received, transaction amount is deducted please send a message to hepdesk before retring again.